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International Pirate Party Flyer

While campaigning for our 2009 national election we realized that there are a lot of tourists in Berlin, who come from other countries, which also have a Pirate Party. We decided we had to inform more than German speaking people about the Pirate Party. As a result we got in touch with all those European Pirate Parties that were listed as 'registered' at the time and asked for a short statement to be used in an international flyer. Two model flyers are shown below. Of course you are free to use -and modify- it for your own country's International Pirate Party Flyer.


This material is published under Creative Commons-License "Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Germany"



Pirate-Party International version 2010



PDF: Front Back
SVG: Front Back
PNG: Front Back

Pirate-Party International version

PDF: Front Back
PNG: Front Back