Bibliothek/Fachbücher zum Studium I

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 ────  Bücher  ────               Übersicht - zum anklicken

 ───► Einführung ── Auswahlkriterien, Gründe zur Einordnung, Urheberrechtlicher Hinweis
───► Buchbesprechung ── Against Intellectual Property, Die Piratenpartei,
big ───► Buchbesprechung ── Die Lobbyschlacht um Softwarepatente, Little Brother, Wem gehört die Welt?

───► Buchbesprechung ── Copy.Right.Now! Plädoyer für ein zukunftstaugliches Urheberrecht,
big ───► Buchbesprechung ── Freie Software, Zwischen Privat- und Gemeineigentum

───► Buchbesprechung ── Die heimliche Medienrevolution - Wie Weblogs, Wikis und freie Software
big ───► Buchbesprechung ── die Welt verändern, Freie Kultur - Wesen und Zukunft der Kreativität

───► Bücher_Offline ── Wird noch geplant,
big ───► Buchbesprechung ──demnächst hier

───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── Betriebswirtschaft, Biologie, Buchhaltung, Chemie,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1Differenzial-und Integralrechnungen, Elektrotechnik und Elektronik

───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── Energie & die Umwelt, Finanzen, Informatik,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1Ingenieurwesen, Hilfe bei Bewerbungen

───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── Jura, Komplexe Funktionentheorie, Management, Volkswirtschaftslehre,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1Marketing, Mathematik

───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── Medien, Mikroökonomie, Nanotechnologie, Organisation,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1Petroleum, Gas & Öl, Statistik

───► E-Book als Openbook ── Einstieg in Visual Basic 2010, Ubuntu GNU/Linux,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium iIT-Handbuch für Fachinformatiker, Excel 2007 Handbuch, PC-Netzwerke

───► E-Book als Openbook ── Linux - Das umfassende Handbuch, Linux-Livesysteme - Knoppix,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium -Objektorientierte Programmierung

───► E-Book als Openbook ── Adobe Photoshop CS2 professionell - 100% Profiwissen,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium -Adobe Photoshop CS4 – Fortgeschrittene Techniken,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium -Dreamweaver 8 - Webseiten entwickeln mit HTML, CSS, XML, PHP und MySQL
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium -in Vorbereitung
───► E-Book als Openbook OSL ── GPL kommentiert und erklärt, Groovy für Java-Entwickler,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1 Linux - Praxishandbuch, Linux-Firewalls - Ein praktischer Einstieg,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1 Mit Open Source-Tools Spam & Viren bekämpfen

───► E-Book als Openbook OSL ── Praxiswissen Ruby, Praxiswissen Ruby on Rails, Rails Kochbuch,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1 Samba, Sicherheit im Internet, Schnelleinstieg in Flex 2 (TecFeed)

E-Book Fachbücher zum Studium

Energie & die Umwelt

  • Thermal Processing of Waste (en)
    Autor J. C. Jones, ISBN 978-87-7681-590-5, 1. Edition, 99 Seiten,
    This is the fourth in the series of volumes I have prepared for Ventus Publishing. There are a number of factors which have contributed to my decision to develop the series. One is that, as I said in the postscript to one of the earlier volumes, I am at a career stage where my time is possibly best spent setting out knowledge and ideas I have built up over the decades for the benefit of younger readers. BookBoon provides a splendid medium for this. That is why I very much hope that this fourth in the series will be by no means the last even though I can appreciate the advisability of letting at least a few months elapse before I start work on the fifth. Another reason for my having contributed to BookBoon’s range of titles is that the idea of having quality texts financed by advertisements and accessible at no charge is a very good one deserving support. A former colleague in Australia to whom I sent a copy of one of the earlier ones made this very comment. Yet another reason has been anticipated in the previous sentence: I have been able to send the book to friends and colleagues and have been encouraged by the warmth of their responses. Finally, I have derived pleasure and satisfaction from the writing of these volumes.
    Let it be noted that by the time I wrote my first book for Ventus I had written a good number of conventional books, the first of which was published as long ago as 1993. This continues, and at the time of writing this preface I do in fact have a conventional book in press. I do not know whether the conventional book will ever be totally replaced by the electronic book, nor do I see that as being relevant to this preface. What is relevant is that I as a writer am getting the best of both worlds.
    This book then is concerned with thermal processing of wastes. I first taught this topic at UNSW in 1987. The topic itself, like anything else, has changed with the passage of nearly a quarter of a century and in this book I have needed to set material which I might have taught in 1987 in the quite different circumstances of 2010. Over that period the price of oil has displayed unprecedented fluctuations and greenhouse gas emissions have increased in importance to a degree where it could justifiably be said that they dominate the world political agenda. Fuels originating as wastes do in the modern world have a role which can be related to either or both of these factors and I hope that someone having studied this book will understand why.
    Finally, a word about the choice of the dedicatee of this book. Professor Norman Greenwood began at the University of Leeds in the dual role of incumbent of the Chair of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry and Chairman of the School of Chemistry on the same day that I started there as a chemistry undergraduate. His initial lecture to us first year students contained some biographical information, including the fact that his academic career had begun at the University of Melbourne. He was in fact born in Melbourne in 1925 and lived there until he came to Cambridge, England to start a PhD in 1948, thereafter making his career in the UK. I myself lived in Melbourne for a period and when I returned to the UK in 1995 after a very long time spent in Australia (about a quarter of it in Melbourne) I was able to renew my acquaintance with Professor Greenwood. Since then we have exchanged e-mails about our respective experiences of Melbourne which are, of course, very widely spaced in time. This has been a source of considerable enjoyment to me. In 2009 I returned to Melbourne as a Visiting Scholar at Trinity College, where Professor Greenwood had been a Resident Tutor and Lecturer in Chemistry from 1946 to 1948. I began the lecture I gave there with a mention of Professor Greenwood and my association with him. I am pleased and proud to dedicate this book to him.
    J.C. Jones
    Aberdeen, June 2010.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Preface
  2. Municipal solid waste, Part I: Nature and amounts
  3. Municipal solid waste, Part II: Incineration
  4. Municipal solid waste, Part III: Pelletised forms
  5. Miscellaneous Waste-Derived Solid Fuels
  6. Principles of Pyrolysis and Gasification
  7. Examples of Waste Pyrolysis
  8. Examples of Gasification of Wastes
  9. Hydrocarbon Waste
  10. Incineration of Radioactive Waste
  11. Postscript
  12. Endnotes
  • Energy supply in the earlier industrial era (en)
    Autor J. C. Jones, ISBN 978-87-7681-546-2, 1. Edition, 33 Seiten,
    It is difficult to claim to have an in-depth knowledge of a subject if such knowledge is restricted to the present and the recent past. Information and insights on a particular topic from the past can, in a well informed mind, be reprocessed and contribute to the topic in the present and, even more importantly, in the future. This is saying no more than Lewis Carroll’s maxim:
    ‘It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards’
    This monograph of a little under 8000 words is an attempt to outline fuel supply from the late eighteenth century, when steam power was first becoming prevalent, up to immediately before the First World War. The treatment is quantitative, there being a number of calculations relevant to fuel performance. Prices are brought up to date by use of a recognised index accessible on the Web. The importance of the availability of crude oil from circa 1860 onwards is brought out, and growth in the oil industry over the next several decades analysed. Social and political themes feature centrally.
    The text is structured as a monograph having sections instead of chapters. It is directed primarily at those with professional involvement in energy supply. Those seeking to understand the role of energy supply in world affairs – more important now than it ever was – might also benefit from the text. I shall welcome comments from readers.
    J.C. Jones
    Aberdeen, April 2010.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. The early late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
  4. The Period 1810-1870
  5. Enter Oil
  6. A glimpse into the ‘future’
  7. Concluding remarks
  8. References
  9. Postscript
  10. Endnotes
  • Atmospheric Pollution (en)
    Autor J.C. Jones, ISBN 978-87-7681-416-8, 1. Edition, 109 Seiten,
    Atmospheric Pollution is a theme which is becoming increasingly important as the discussion on global warming becomes ever more relevant. This free textbook introduces the different concepts of Atmospheric Pollution and also introduces the reader to the underlying principles of physics and chemistry, which are constants in this discussion.
    I was delighted to respond to an invitation from Ventus Publishing to write a book on atmospheric pollution. It is a topic well enough served by books in the past, but has become increasingly important during these early years of the 21st Century. I believe therefore that there is a place for a review like this one and that notwithstanding the immense activity in the area the book will have a reasonable shelf life. This is because it continually relates the discussion to the principles of physics and chemistry, and these do not change.
    To have acknowledged each and every one of the electronic sources I have drawn on would not only have lengthened the book to no real purpose but, more seriously, might even have been a distraction to a reader. I am hopeful that this acknowledgement in the preface of such sources will suffice.
    I expect that students will benefit from the book as well as those already professionally involved with atmospheric pollution. I also venture to hope that it will of use to those involved in discussion of such matters in the media. I shall be delighted to hear from readers who have comments or suggestions to make.
    J.C. Jones
    Aberdeen, September 2008.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Preface
  2. Introduction: The gas laws
  3. Sulphur pollutants
  4. Oxides of nitrogen
  5. Particulate
  6. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) and ozone
  7. Carbon monoxide
  8. Metals in the atmosphere
  9. Chlorinated pollutants
  10. Greenhouse gases Part I: Background
  11. Greenhouse gases Part II: Mitigation measures, emission targets and carbon trading
  12. Radioactivity in the atmosphere
  13. Postscript
  14. Notes
  • Heat Transfer (en)
    Autor Chris Long & Naser Sayma, ISBN 978-87-7681-432-8, 1. Edition, 156 Seiten,
    This free book explains the basic modes of heat transfer namely conduction, convection and radiation. Fundamental Mathematical models representing the heat transfer modes are introduced and application engineering problems are discussed. The principles of heat exchangers operation are covered as well.
    Energy is defined as the capacity of a substance to do work. It is a property of the substance and it can be transferred by interaction of a system and its surroundings. The student would have encountered these interactions during the study of Thermodynamics. However, Thermodynamics deals with the end states of the processes and provides no information on the physical mechanisms that caused the process to take place. Heat Transfer is an example of such a process. A convenient definition of heat transfer is energy in transition due to temperature differences. Heat transfer extends the Thermodynamic analysis by studying the fundamental processes and modes of heat transfer through the development of relations used to calculate its rate.
    The aim of this chapter is to console existing understanding and to familiarise the student with the standard of notation and terminology used in this book. It will also introduce the necessary units.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Introduction
  2. Conduction
  3. Convection
  4. Radiation
  5. Heat Exchangers
  6. References


  • Einfach lernen! Finanzierung (de)
    Autor Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schmeisser, ISBN 87-7681-057-7, 1. Edition, 107 Seiten,
    Finanzierung ist ein wichtiger Teilbereich der Finanzwirtschaft, der sich hauptsächlich um die Beziehungen zwischen Unternehmern und Kapitalgebern dreht. Das Gebiet ist gespickt mit vielen komplizierten Modellen und Fachtermina, welche dieses kostenlose ebook verständlich und kompakt erklärt. Ein absolutes Muss für den erfolgreichen Einstieg in die Welt der Finanzierung
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Überblick über Finanzierungsformen, Finanzierungstheorien, Finanzierungszielen und Aufgaben des Finanzmanagements
  2. Basel II und Rating: Eine Weiterentwicklung der Bonitäts- oder Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der finanzwirtschaftlichen Ziele Rentabilität und Risiko
  3. Instrumente der Jahresabschlussanalyse, der Finanzanalyse und der Finanzplanung
  4. Kreditfinanzierung als erster Teil der Außenfinanzierung
  5. Beteiligungsfinanzierung als zweiter Teil der Außenfinanzierung
  6. Innenfinanzierung
  7. Fußnotenübersicht
  8. Literaturverzeichnis
  • Einfach lernen! Finanzierung Aufgabenbuch (de)
    Autor Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schmeisser. ISBN 87-7681-058-5, 1. Edition, 106 Seiten,
    Mit diesem umfangreichen Aufgabenbuch zum thema Finanzierung könnt ihr eure theoretischen Kenntnisse anwenden und auf die Praxis übertragen. Wie viel habt ihr verstanden? Was ist euch nicht klar? Was bedeutet Eigenfinanzirung und was sind Abschreibungsrückflüsse. Dieses kostenlose ebooks nimmt euch die letzten Zweifel zum Thema Finanzierung
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Fragen zu Finanzierungszielen
  2. Fragen zu Basal II und Rating
  3. Teil 1: Exkurs zu Basel II: Fragen zur Jahresabschlussanalyse – Eine Kurze Einführung
  4. Teil 2: Finanzplanung
  5. Fragen zur Kreditfi nanzierung
  6. Fragen zur Beteiligungsfi nanzierung
  7. Fragen zur Innenfinanzierung
  8. Antworten Kapitel 1: Finanzierungsziele
  9. Antworten Kapitel 2: Basel II und Rating
  10. Antworten Kapitel 3: Jahresabschlussanalyse
  11. Antworten Kapitel 3: Finanzplanung
  12. Antworten Kapitel 4: Kreditfinanzierung
  13. Antworten Kapitel 5: Beteiligungsfinanzierung
  14. Antworten Kapitel 6: Innenfinanzierung
  15. Endnoten
  • Rating - Kreditzinsberechnung (de)
    Autor Prof. Dr. Willhelm Schmeisser & Adrienne Lehmann, ISBN 87-7681-105-0, 1. Edition, 19 Seiten,
    Dieser Artikel liefert dir eine gelungene Zusammenfassung der theoretischen Hintergründe von Rating – Kreditzinsberechnung. Im Bankwesen versteht man unter Rating die Einschätzung der Zahlungsfähigkeit eines Schuldners. Wenn du schon immer wissen wolltest, wie und nach welchen Kriterien zum Beispiel Ratings von Unternehmen erstellt werden, dann lade schnell dieses kostenlose ebook herunter.
    Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schmeisser und Adrienne Lehmann
    Die Diskussion über die Neufassung der internationalen Eigenkapitalregeln für Kreditinstitute, die vom Baseler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht angeregt wurde, hat in Deutschland jahrelang widersprüchliche Diskussionen ausgelöst. Nicht nur Banken und die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungen sondern auch Wirtschaftsverbände und Politiker schalteten sich immer wieder in die Diskussion ein. Den wichtigsten Grund dafür stellten die Eigenkapitalanforderungen für Banken und Sparkassen dar. Es gab die Befürchtungen, dass sich die Finanzierungskonditionen für den Mittelstand verschlechtern. Basel II definiert den Mittelstand als Unternehmen mit einem Jahresumsatz von unter 50 Mio. EUR und mit bis zu 500 Beschäftigten. Mittelständische Unternehmen spielen in Deutschland schon immer eine bedeutende Rolle, da knapp die Hälfte der Wertschöpfungen der deutschen Volkswirtschaft von mittelständischen Unternehmen erbracht wird.
    Für die meisten deutschen mittelständischen Unternehmen ist der Bankkredit die Hauptfinanzierungsquelle. 1 In Relation zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt betragen die Buchkredite inländischer Kreditinstitute an den privaten Sektor in Deutschland 125%2 und in den USA 78%. Entsprechend ist die Gruppe der Unternehmen, für die Basel II tatsächlich oder vermeintlich negative Auswirkungen auf die Finanzierungskonditionen haben könnte, größer als in anderen Industrieländern. Auch dieses höhere Maß an subjektiver Betroffenheit zeigt eine F.A.Z.-Studie deutlich: So erwarten 63% der Unternehmen in Deutschland zukünftig ein schwierigeres Finanzierungsumfeld.
    Durch Basel II wird die Auswahl der Kreditnehmer, die Gestaltung des Kreditzinses, die Höhe des Kreditvolumens sowie das Prozedere der Kreditvergabe beeinflusst. Zukünftig bezieht sich die Eigenkapitalhinterlegung für Kredite nur noch auf den unerwarteten Verlust. Dieser wird künftig den Wertberichtigungen der Kreditindustrie gegenübergestellt, die eigens dafür gedacht sind, Vorsorge für erwartete Verluste zu treffen. Je nach Risiko ist der Kredit mit der entsprechenden Eigenkapitalquote zu unterlegen. Die Eigenkapitalunterlegung bestimmt die Kreditkonditionen. Weiterhin wird Basel II dafür sorgen, dass der „Abverse Selection Effect“3, die Verschlechterung des Kreditportfolios eines Kreditinstituts, eingedämmt wird. Banken werden zukünftig eine risikoadjustierte Bepreisung der Kredite vornehmen müssen, um konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben.

    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Vorwort
  2. Rating
  3. Kreditkalkulation bei Banken
  4. Refinanzierungskosten
  5. Betriebskosten
  6. Standard-Risikokosten
  7. Eigenkapitalkosten
  8. Anerkennungsfähige Sicherheiten
  9. Zusammenfassung der zukünftigen Konditionengestaltung
  1. Introduction
  2. Probability spaces and random variables
  3. Moments of a random variable
  4. Usual probability distributions in financial models
  5. Conditional expectations and Limit theorems
  6. Bibliography


  • Artificial Intelligence – Agents and Environments (en)
    Autor William John Teahan, ISBN 978-87-7681-528-8, 1. Edition, 154 Seiten,
    This book is the first in a series on Artificial Intelligence. It provides an introduction to the topic with an emphasis on the use of agent-oriented design. Topics include agents, environments, agent movement, and agent embodiment. It also provides an introduction to programming in NetLogo. Accompanying the book is a series of exercises and NetLogo models (with source code and documentation) which can be run directly from an applet or downloaded at: NetLogo Models for Artificial Intelligence.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Preface
  2. AI programming languages and NetLogo
  3. Conventions used in this book series
  4. Volume Overview
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Dedication
  7. Introduction
  8. Agents and Environments
  9. Frameworks for Agents and Environments
  10. Movement
  11. Embodiment
  12. References
  • Artificial Intelligence – Agent Behaviour I (en)
    Autor William John Teahan, ISBN 978-87-7681-559-2, 1. Edition, 240 Seiten,
    This book is the second in a series on Artificial Intelligence. It adopts a behaviour-based approach to the design of agent-oriented systems. Topics covered from a behaviour-based perspective include agent communication, searching, knowledge and reasoning, and intelligence. Accompanying the book is a series of exercises and NetLogo models (with source code and documentation) which can be run directly from an applet or downloaded at: NetLogo Models for Artificial Intelligence.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Behaviour
  2. Communication
  3. Search
  4. Knowledge
  5. Intelligence
  6. References
  1. Introduction
  2. Agents and Environments
  3. Frameworks for Agents and Environments
  4. Movement
  5. Embodiment
  6. Solutions to Selected Exercises
  1. Behaviour
  2. Communication
  3. Search
  4. Knowledge
  5. Intelligence
  6. Solutions to Selected Exercises
  • Large Scale Data Handling in Biology (en)
    Autor Karol Kozak, ISBN 978-87-7681-555-4, 1. Edition, 53 Seiten,
    Data Handling in Biology--the application of computational and analytical methods to biological problems--is a rapidly evolving scientific discipline. Written in a clear, engaging style, Large Scale Data Handling in Biology is for scientists and students who are learning computational approaches to biology. The book covers the data storage system, computational approaches to biological problems, an introduction to workflow systems, data mining, data visualization, and tips for tailoring existing data analysis software to individual research needs.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Large Scale Data Handling in Biology
  2. What to Do with All the Data?
  3. Data Storage, Backup and Archiving Architecture
  4. Workflow Systems
  5. Database Development: Laboratory Information Management Systems and Public Databases
  6. References
  • Digital Image Processing: Part I (en)
    Autor Huiyu Zhou, Jiahua Wu, Jianguo Zhang, ISBN 978-87-7681-541-7, 1. Edition, 72 Seiten,
    This book (vol.1 and vol.2) introduces the fundamental theories of modern digital image processing including intensity transformations, filtering in the frequency and spatial domain, restoration, colour processing, morphological operations, and segmentation. It aims to help the students, scientists, and practitioners to understand the concepts through illustrations and examples.
    Digital image processing is an important research area. The techniques developed in this area so far require to be summarized in an appropriate way. In this book, the fundamental theories of these techniques will be introduced. Particularly, their applications in image denoising, restoration, and segmentation will be introduced. The entire book consists of four chapters, which will be subsequently introduced.
    In Chapter 1, basic concepts in digital image processing are described. Chapter 2 will see the details of image transform and spatial filtering schemes. Chapter 3 introduces the filtering strategies in the frequency domain, followed by a review of image restoration approaches described in Chapter 4.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Introduction
  1. Summary
  2. References
  3. Problems
2. Intensity transformations and spatial filtering
  1. Summary
  2. References
  3. Problems
3. Filtering in the Frequency Domain
  1. Summary
  2. References and Further Reading
  3. Problems
4. Image Restoration
  1. Summary
  2. References
  3. Problems
  • Digital Image Processing: Part II (en)
    Autor Huiyu Zhou, Jiahua Wu, Jianguo Zhang, ISBN 978-87-7681-542-4, 1. Edition, 91 Seiten,
    This book (vol.1 and vol.2) introduces the fundamental theories of modern digital image processing including intensity transformations, filtering in the frequency and spatial domain, restoration, colour processing, morphological operations, and segmentation. It aims to help the students, scientists, and practitioners to understand the concepts through illustrations and examples.
    Digital image processing is an important research area. The techniques developed in this area so far require to be summarized in an appropriate way. In this book, the fundamental theories of these techniques will be introduced. Particularly, their applications in the image enhancement are briefly summarized. The entire book consists of three chapters, which will be subsequently introduced.
    Chapter 1 reveals the challenges in colour image processing in addition to potential solutions to individual problems. Chapter 2 summarises state of the art techniques for morphological process, and chapter 3 illustrates the established segmentation approach.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Colour Image Processing
  1. Summary
  2. References
  3. Problems
2. Morphological Image Processing
  1. Summary
  2. References and further reading
  3. Problems
3. Image Segmentation
  1. Summary
  2. References and further reading
  3. Problems
  • Applications of Prolog (en)
    Autor Attila Csenki, ISBN 978-87-7681-514-1, 1. Edition, 203 Seiten,
    The book refers to three different Prolog source files, you can them here.
    This book is the second volume by the author on Prolog programming and its applications written for Ventus. Whereas in the first book [9], specific Prolog programming techniques were explained, in this volume we discuss some areas where Prolog can be fruitfully employed.
    Both books owe their existence to the recognition that the higher educational system (in the UK) does not offer enough opportunities for students to experience the satisfaction associated with successfully completing a technical task. In the writer’s opinion, the learning experience of today’s average student is dominated too much by assessments.
    The book comprises four chapters, the first three of them are devoted to Prolog in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The last one is on text processing using Prolog with LATEX in mind.
    The first chapter solves an intriguing AI puzzle which was first published in the New Scientist magazine [1] in 2003. The Prolog solution presented here combines problem specific knowledge using Finite Mathematics with the well-know AI technique ‘generate-and-test’. Even though this chapter did not emanate from my teaching activities, the presentation follows a well-tested pattern: the problem is broken down into manageable and identifiable subproblems which then are more or less readily implemented in Prolog. Many interesting hurdles are identified and solved thereby. The availability of unification as a pattern matching tool makes Prolog uniquely suitable for solving such problems. This first chapter is an adaptation of work reported in [7]. Further recent developments on solving this problem can be found in [4].
    The second and third chapters are respectively devoted to blind search and informed search. The material presented in them can be used in lectures to teach Prolog for AI as well as in AI lectures themselves. I have tried to compile a varied and interesting mixture of applications most of which won’t be available anywhere else. Some of the problems considered here served over the years in my lectures as coursework material, though, for various reasons, the discussion is more thorough here.
    The fourth chapter is the least conventional one for a Prolog book. It is in two parts.
    1. A tool is developed in Prolog for manipulating LATEX files.
    2. Prolog is used to generate LATEX commands for drawing parametric curves in documents written in LATEX.
    I also explain here how an SWI-Prolog program can be embedded into a Linux shell script, removing thereby the need for the user to deal with Prolog directly. This results in applications of direct practical interest.
    For the maximum benefit (and fun) readers should work through parts of this book interactively with SWI-Prolog. I have tried to retain the experimental and exploratory style of the first volume [9] even though sometimes digression to more theoretical topics was unavoidable.
    There are 54 exercises in this book, 32 of them are solved in Appendix A. The last chapter is somewhat of an exception since there the exercises themselves are the main vehicle for conveying the subject material. Therefore, detailed sample solutions are provided for 6 of the 7 exercises in that chapter.
    The associated software (Prolog sorces, Linux shell scripts, data files) listed in Appendix B is freely available from the Ventus website. All three systems used here (Linux, SWI-Prolog, LATEX) are freely available on the Internet.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Enigma 1225: Rows are Columns
2. Blind Search
3. InformedSearch
4. Text Processing
  1. Solutions of Selected Exercises
  2. Chapter 1 Exercises
  3. Chapter 2 Exercises
  4. Chapter 3 Exercises
  5. Chapter 4 Exercises
5. Software
6. References
7. Index
8. Errata to Volume 1


  • Electronic Multi-Channel-Controlling (de)
    Autor Christopher Zerres, Michael Zerres & Michael Wegener, ISBN 87-7681-097-6, 1. Edition, 6 Seiten,
    Zusammenfassung der theoretischen Hintergründe des Electronic Multi-Channel Controlling.
    Inhalt :
  1. Electronic Multi-Channel-Controlling
  2. Literatur
  • Hydrocarbons - Physical Properties and their Relevance to Utilisation (en)
    Autor J. C. Jones, ISBN 978-87-7681-513-4, 1. Edition, 111 Seiten,
    The ‘electronic book’ is a feature of this early 21st Century. I have been in academic life for several decades, and have I hope responded with flexibility to changes over that time. I have been using a word processor on a daily basis for twenty years and am deeply conscious of the advantages over even the most advanced typewriters. The first time I gave a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint was in India about six years ago. I have with enthusiasm used PowerPoint for every invited talk or conference contribution I have given since. Such talks and contributions have been in countries including Australia, Bahrain, Trinidad and Tobago, Kuwait and Armenia.
    About a year ago I published, by invitation from Ventus, ‘Atmospheric Pollution’. This was my eighth book, and my first electronic one. Once it became available I was quite delighted with the result, and sent a link to it to friends and professional associates around the world. I used the book as the recommended text in an MSc course at Aberdeen and student response was very positive. I hasten to add that I do not believe that the positive response was due solely to the fact that the book, unlike a ‘conventional’ book, was available free of charge. University students are too shrewd and perceptive to extend their acceptance to something simply because it comes for nothing. Even so, the endeavours of Ventus Publishing and Boon Books in making quality texts available at no cost deserve support. I was therefore pleased to respond in the affirmative to an invitation to write a second book for Ventus. The result is this tome on the physical properties of hydrocarbons.
    I expect that this book will be of interest to students and professionals in chemical engineering, fuel technology and mechanical engineering. I have myself used bits of it, prior to publication, in the newly set up chemical engineering degree course at the University of Aberdeen. I shall be pleased to receive feedback from readers.
    J.C. Jones
    Aberdeen, October 2009.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Author’s Preface
  2. Physical properties of organic liquids
  3. Physical properties of crude oils
  4. Physical properties of gasolines
  5. Appendix on natural gas condensate
  6. A1. Introduction
  7. A2. Physical properties of natural gas condensate
  8. A3. Concluding remarks
  9. A4. References
  10. Physical properties of kerosenes
  11. Diesel fuels
  12. Products of refinery residue
  13. Coal tars
  14. Alcohol-containing fuels
  15. Biodiesel fuels
  16. Hydrocarbons existing either as cryogens or as liquefied gases
  17. Postscript
  • Concise Hydrology (en)
    Autor Dawei Han, ISBN 978-87-7681-536-3, 1. Edition, 145 Seiten,
    This is an introductory book on hydrology that covers the fundamental theories on hydrological cycle (water balance, atmospheric water, subsurface water, surface water), precipitation analysis, evaporation and evapotranspiration processes, infiltration, ground water movement, hydrograph analysis, rainfall runoff modelling (unit hydrograph), hydrological flow routing, measurements and data collection, hydrological statistics and hydrological design. The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics, examples, questions, answers and full solutions.
    Hydrology is a branch of scientific and engineering discipline that deals with the occurrence, distribution, movement, and properties of the waters of the earth. A knowledge of hydrology is fundamental to water and environmental professionals (engineers, scientists and decision makers) in such tasks as the design and operation of water resources, wastewater treatment, irrigation, flood defence, navigation, pollution control, hydropower, ecosystem modelling, etc. This is an introductory book on hydrology and written for undergraduate students in civil and environmental engineering, environmental science and geography. The aim of this book is to provide a concise coverage of key contents in hydrology that is easy to access through the Internet.
    The book covers the fundamental theories on hydrological cycle (water balance, atmospheric water, subsurface water, surface water), precipitation analysis, evaporation and evapotranspiration processes, infiltration, ground water movement, hydrograph analysis, rainfall runoff modelling (unit hydrograph), hydrological flow routing, measurements and data collection, hydrological statistics and hydrological design. The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics. There are many examples to further explain the theories introduced. The questions at the end of each chapter are accompanied by the corresponding answers and full solutions. A list of recommended reading resources is provided in the appendix for readers to further explore the interested hydrological topics.
    Dawei Han
    Reader in Civil and Environmental Engineering,
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Introduction
  2. Precipitation
  3. Evaporation and Evapotranspiration
  4. Infiltration
  5. Groundwater
  6. Hydrograph
  7. Flow Routing
  8. Hydrological Measurements
  9. Hydrological Statistics
  10. Hydrological Design
  11. Appendix: Further Reading Resources
  • Concise Hydraulics (en)
    Autor Dawei Han, ISBN 978-87-7681-396-3, 1. Edition, 177 Seiten,
    This is an introductory book on hydraulics that covers the fundamental theories (continuity, energy and momentum equations), hydrostatics, pipe flow, physical modelling (dimensional analysis and similarity), open channel flow, uniform flow, channel design, critical flow, rapidly varied flow, hydraulic jump, hydraulic structures, gradually varied flow, computation of flow profile, unsteady flow and hydraulic machinery (pump and turbine). The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics, examples, questions, answers and full solutions.
    Hydraulics is a branch of scientific and engineering discipline that deals with the mechanical properties of fluids, mainly water. It is widely applied in many civil and environmental engineering systems (water resources management, flood defence, harbour and port, bridge, building, environment protection, hydropower, irrigation, ecosystem, etc). This is an introductory book on hydraulics and written for undergraduate students in civil and environmental engineering, environmental science and geography. The aim of this book is to provide a concise and comprehensive coverage of hydraulics that is easy to access through the Internet.
    The book content covers the fundamental theories (continuity, energy and momentum equations), hydrostatics, pipe flow, physical modelling (dimensional analysis and similarity), open channel flow, uniform flow, channel design, critical flow, rapidly varied flow, hydraulic jump, hydraulic structures, gradually varied flow, computation of flow profile, unsteady flow and hydraulic machinery (pump and turbine). The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics. There are many examples to further explain the theories introduced. The questions at the end of each chapter are accompanied by the corresponding answers and full solutions. A list of recommended reading resources is provided in the appendix for readers to further explore the interested hydraulics topics.
    Due to its online format, it is expected that the book will be updated regularly. If you find any errors and inaccuracies in the book, you are encouraged to email me with feedback and suggestions for further improvements.
    Dawei Han
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Fundamentals
  2. Hydrostatics
  3. Energy Equation
  4. Momentum Equation
  5. Pipe Flow
  6. Physical Modelling
  7. Open Channel Flow
  8. Uniform Flow
  9. Channel Design
  10. Critical Flow
  11. Rapidly Varied Flow
  12. Hydraulic Jump
  13. Hydraulic Structures
  14. Gradually Varied Flow
  15. Computation of Flow Profile
  16. Unsteady Flow
  17. Hydraulic Machinery
  18. Appendix: Further Reading Resources

Hilfe bei Bewerbungen

  1. Private Unfallversicherung
  2. Die private Unfallversicherung im Vergleich zur gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (Berufsgenossenschaft)
  3. Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung
  4. Was leistet der Staat bei Berufs- bzw. Erwerbsunfähigkeit?
  5. Leistungen der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung
  6. Die private Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung
  7. Alternativen zur Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung

Über die Autorin
Simone Janson schreibt als Journalistin mit Schwerpunkt Karriere- und Bildungsthemen u.a. für ZEIT-ONLINE, oder die Financial Times Deutschland. Sie war Redakteurin zweier Zeitschriften der Bundesagentur für Arbeit und hat mehr als 10 Bücher zu Karrierethemen bei renommierten Verlagen herausgebracht. 2007 erschien "Von Anfang an richtig versichert" in der Reihe "Erfolgreich Selbständig" bei Redline-Wirtschaft. Ihr bislang erfolgreichstes Buch "Die 110%-Lüge. Wie Sie mit weniger Perfektion mehr erreichen" wurde in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt.
Auf bloggt die Janson gemeinsam mit bekannten Gastautoren regelmäßig aktuelle Informationen zu Themen wie Jobsuche, Bewerbung, Existenzgründung, Marketing oder Versicherungen. Leser können hier Fragen stellen oder Beiträge diskutieren und finden Informationen u.a. zu Vorträgen und TV-Auftritten oder Pressestimmen zu Simone Janson und ihrer Arbeit.

  • Demystifying Case Interviews (en)
    Autor Quartz Strategy Consultants, ISBN 978-87-7681-227-8, 1. Edition, 34 Seiten,
    Many candidates are nervous about case interviews. Because the specific case cannot be prepared in advance -you don't know what the case will be-.
    This free book will demystify case interviews and give you guidelines and advice on how to prepare for them.
    Good luck with your interview.
    Many candidates are nervous about case interviews. The specific case cannot be prepared for in advance – you don't know what the case will be – so many candidates feel they are more challenging than traditional job interviews.
    Yet case interviews are increasingly used to recruit master candidates. Consultancies led the way in using them, but more and more companies are adding case interviews to the recruiting process.
    Why? Because more and more candidates are doing project-related work, and because the case interview is an effective tool for judging a candidate's ability to approach and solve real-life issues.
    This book aims to demystify case interviews and give you guidelines and advice about how to prepare for them.
    The authors have extensive experience in using case interviews for recruiting – and have a rich understanding of how candidates perceive case interviews. So we feel fully equipped to sort out the myths and realities of case interviews as seen from a candidate perspective.
    We hope to help you become comfortable with case interviews, so that they can help show your true potential.
    We hope that you will find this book accessible and helpful in preparing for case interviews.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Preface
  2. Why do consulting firms use case interviews?
  3. How do I prepare for and approach case interviews?
  4. Getting down to cases
  5. Appendix A: Frameworks
  6. Appendix B: Sources of additional information
  7. About Quartz Strategy Consultants
  1. The Big Picture
  2. Investment Banking
  3. Financial Services
  4. Employers

  • Graduate Employment - 333 tips for finding your first job as a graduate (en)
    Autor Sue Greener & partners, ISBN, 1. Edition, 0 Seiten,

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  • Finding graduate employment - 101 websites that can help (en)
    Autor Sue Greener & partners, ISBN, 1. Edition, 0 Seiten,

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