Bibliothek/Fachbücher zum Studium

Vorlage:AG betreut

 ────  Bücher  ────               Übersicht - zum anklicken

 ───► Einführung ── Auswahlkriterien, Gründe zur Einordnung, Urheberrechtlicher Hinweis
───► Buchbesprechung ── Against Intellectual Property, Die Piratenpartei,
big ───► Buchbesprechung ── Die Lobbyschlacht um Softwarepatente, Little Brother, Wem gehört die Welt?

───► Buchbesprechung ── Copy.Right.Now! Plädoyer für ein zukunftstaugliches Urheberrecht,
big ───► Buchbesprechung ── Freie Software, Zwischen Privat- und Gemeineigentum

───► Buchbesprechung ── Die heimliche Medienrevolution - Wie Weblogs, Wikis und freie Software
big ───► Buchbesprechung ── die Welt verändern, Freie Kultur - Wesen und Zukunft der Kreativität

───► Bücher_Offline ── Wird noch geplant,
big ───► Buchbesprechung ──demnächst hier

───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── Betriebswirtschaft, Biologie, Buchhaltung, Chemie,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1Differenzial-und Integralrechnungen, Elektrotechnik und Elektronik

───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── Energie & die Umwelt, Finanzen, Informatik,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1Ingenieurwesen, Hilfe bei Bewerbungen

───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── Jura, Komplexe Funktionentheorie, Management, Volkswirtschaftslehre,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1Marketing, Mathematik

───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── Medien, Mikroökonomie, Nanotechnologie, Organisation,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1Petroleum, Gas & Öl, Statistik

───► E-Book als Openbook ── Einstieg in Visual Basic 2010, Ubuntu GNU/Linux,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium iIT-Handbuch für Fachinformatiker, Excel 2007 Handbuch, PC-Netzwerke

───► E-Book als Openbook ── Linux - Das umfassende Handbuch, Linux-Livesysteme - Knoppix,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium -Objektorientierte Programmierung

───► E-Book als Openbook ── Adobe Photoshop CS2 professionell - 100% Profiwissen,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium -Adobe Photoshop CS4 – Fortgeschrittene Techniken,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium -Dreamweaver 8 - Webseiten entwickeln mit HTML, CSS, XML, PHP und MySQL
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium -in Vorbereitung
───► E-Book als Openbook OSL ── GPL kommentiert und erklärt, Groovy für Java-Entwickler,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1 Linux - Praxishandbuch, Linux-Firewalls - Ein praktischer Einstieg,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1 Mit Open Source-Tools Spam & Viren bekämpfen

───► E-Book als Openbook OSL ── Praxiswissen Ruby, Praxiswissen Ruby on Rails, Rails Kochbuch,
big ───► Fachbücher zum Studium ── 1 Samba, Sicherheit im Internet, Schnelleinstieg in Flex 2 (TecFeed)

Fachbücher zum Studium


  • Einfach lernen! Betriebswirtschaft (de)
    Autor Professor Michael Zerres und Christopher Zerres, ISBN 87-7681-059-3, 1. Edition, 124 Seiten
    Zusammenfassendes Textbuch der BWL, das verständlich und unkompliziert die Themenbereiche Leitungsprozesse, Management, Finanzwirtschaft und Rechnungswesen erklärt. Dabei werden Grundlagen und Aufbauwissen anschaulich und kompetent vermittelt.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Einleitung
  2. Betriebliche Grundsatzentscheidungen
  3. Betrieblicher Leistungsprozess
  4. Management
  5. Betriebliche Finanzwirtschaft und Rechnungswesen
  6. Literaturhinweis
  7. Stichwortverzeichnis
  8. Abbildungsverzeichnis: 46 Abbildung
  • Einfach lernen! Betriebswirtschaft Aufgabenbuch (de)
    Autor Professor Michael Zerres und Christopher Zerres, ISBN 87-7681-060-7, 1. Edition, 80 Seiten
    Ergänzende Aufgaben und Übungen zu verschiedenen Themen der BWL, dabei werden vor allem die Bereiche Finanzwirtschaft, Rechnungswesen, Management und Leistungsprozesse abgedeckt.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Fragen
  2. Einleitung
  3. Betriebliche Grundsatzentscheidungen
  4. Betrieblicher Leistungsprozess
  5. Management
  6. Betriebliche Finanzwirtschaft und Rechnungswesen
  7. Fallstudie: Möbelindustrie
  8. Anhang: Lösungshinweise in Präsentationsform
  9. Lösungshinweise
  10. Einleitung
  11. Betriebliche Grundsatzentscheidungen
  12. Betrieblicher Leistungsprozess
  13. Management
  14. Betriebliche Finanzwirtschaft und Rechnungswesen
  15. Lösung Fallstudie


  • Biological Signal Analysis (en)
    Autor Ramaswamy Palaniappan, ISBN 978-87-7681-594-3, 1. Edition, 137 Seiten
    This free textbook will provide the reader with an understanding of biological signals and digital signal analysis techniques such as conditioning, filtering, feature extraction, classification and statistical validation for solving practical biological signal analysis problems using MATLAB.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. About the author
  2. Introduction
  3. Discrete-time signals and systems
  4. Fourier transform
  5. Digital Filtering
  6. Feature extraction
  7. Classification methodologies
  8. Applications
  9. Endnotes
  • Large Scale Data Handling in Biology (en)
    Autor Karol Kozak, ISBN 978-87-7681-555-4, 1. Edition, 53 Seiten
    Data Handling in Biology--the application of computational and analytical methods to biological problems--is a rapidly evolving scientific discipline. Written in a clear, engaging style, Large Scale Data Handling in Biology is for scientists and students who are learning computational approaches to biology. The book covers the data storage system, computational approaches to biological problems, an introduction to workflow systems, data mining, data visualization, and tips for tailoring existing data analysis software to individual research needs.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. What to Do with All the Data?
  2. Data Storage, Backup and Archiving Architecture
  3. Workflow Systems
  4. Database Development: Laboratory Information Management Systems and Public Databases
  5. References
  • Molecular Conformations (en)
    Autor Christopher Wood, ISBN 978-87-7681-545-5, 1. Edition, 36 Seiten
    The three-dimensional shape of a protein determines its function. The shape of proteins can change by small or large amounts; another term for shape is conformation.
    Molecular Conformations introduces the fundamental physical and biochemical concepts that determine the conformation of a protein. The book starts by describing how DNA is converted into proteins and then continues with those factors that influence conformational change in a protein.
    The book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how proteins execute their biochemical functions.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Genetic origins of amino acids
  2. Transcription and translation
  3. Amino acid geometries and protein folding
  4. Structure-function relationship of proteins
  5. Conformational change via epigenetics
  6. Summary
  • Micro- and Nano-Transport of Biomolecules (en)
    Autor David Bakewell, ISBN 978-87-7681-513-4, 1. Edition, 96 Seiten,
    The micro- and nano- transport of biomolecules is of interest to a wide range of scientific and engineering communities. Application areas include miniaturized technology that will support and advance key sectors, including healthcare, food provisioning, environment services, etc. This ebook is generally intended for undergraduate students from chemical, life and physical sciences wanting to find out about the basic properties of biomolecules and how they can be transported in liquids on the micro- to nano-scale. The e-book tends to be oriented towards engineering aspects, especially with the transport of biomolecules in micro-devices powered electrically. It is hoped it will also be useful for interdisciplinary researchers surveying the field of biomolecule transport.
    Much of the book can be read with no more than high school level of science and mathematics and selected areas that require engineering mathematics can be omitted if need be. Vector notation for example has been deliberately omitted until Chapter 4. At the same time the more mathematical sections in Chapter 4 are expected to be useful for researchers entering this area of science.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Introduction
  2. Biomolecules and their electrical properties
  3. Moving biomolecules using electric fi elds
  4. Basic micro- and nano-transport
  5. Observing, quantifying and simulating electrically driven biomolecule microtransport
  6. References
  • Kinetics for Bioscientist (en)
    Autor Peter Klappa, ISBN 978-87-7681-469-4, 1. Edition, 221 Seiten,
    This book starts off by discussing the basics of kinetics, using everyday examples. It then moves on to describing kinetics in mathematical terms. Special chapters in this book are dedicated to cases relevant for Bioscientists, e.g. zero, first and second order kinetics. In the last part of the book, the focus is on more complex applications of kinetics, e.g. steady-state reactions and the kinetics of equilibria. An important aspect is to provide relevant examples and model calculations. Every theoretical approach is underpinned by several model calculations of real-life examples.
    In general, the subject of reaction kinetics includes analysis of how fast reactions occur, the predictions of concentrations of reactants and products and how reactions can be altered by changing conditions. The study of kinetics is fundamental in any modern Bioscience and Pharmacology degree programme worldwide, however, in my experience undergraduate students often find this topic rather difficult. Reasons for this are i) the subject requires some mathematical skills in the interpretation of data and solving of problems and ii) often kinetics is taught in a fairly conceptual style, which does not provide students with an understanding as to why and what they should learn. For example, the principles of reaction kinetics and the methodology to solve problems in this area are not restricted to chemical reactions, but can be transferred to population growth, predator-prey systems, physiology and toxicology. However, traditionally reaction kinetics is taught mainly with reference to chemical concepts, which leaves many students (Biochemistry, Biology, Forensic Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Forensic Sciences, etc.) unable to transfer their knowledge to the areas they are interested in.
    In addition to the question of relevance there is another very important issue often neglected by many textbooks, namely the way students learn. In my experience very often students acquire knowledge through ‘problem-centered’ learning. They use problem questions and model answers to understand underlying concepts. For many students, especially in the early stages of their academic careers, this approach is more natural than the ‘academic’ approach, which is focused on a theoretical conceptualization of a topic. Although it would not be possible to explain complex concepts like reaction kinetics without some theoretical discussion, this should be kept to a minimum with emphasis being placed on conveying concepts through problem-questions.
    Also, for many undergraduate students it is important to get the information required in an easy and effective way. In other words, students are usually not interested in reading a whole textbook to obtain the knowledge they require for the problem-solving test next week. What they are really interested in is to see, what they need to know in the test and how to get this knowledge in the most effective way. In my experience students want a very brief(!) summary of the most important equations and concepts (perhaps in form of a bullet point list) and how to apply them to a problem. Students also appreciate if this information is provided in a concise form as a separate section in such a way that it can be easily identified.
    Many textbooks are written in a very ‘academic’ manner, i.e. they often ignore the way undergraduate students learn. In this book I aimed to adopt a problem-centered approach by:
    1. Presenting reaction kinetics with relevance to biological problems in a student-centred language, which makes this book suitable for undergraduate students, without prior knowledge of the subject. 2. Focussing on problem solving and data analysis through worked examples and model calculations.
    The general concept of the book has been designed to make it useful for in-class teaching as well as self-study. The chapters of the book are arrange in so that they follow a logic flow, however, most chapters are self-contained and do not necessarily require knowledge from previous chapters.
    In this book I have tried to give as many life science-related examples as possible and although the general concepts of the problems are correct, often the parameters of reactions are fictional. For example, it is well known that HIV reverse transcriptase forms a dimer; however the rate constant of this process, as used in chapter 5, has been set more or less arbitrarily. This book is therefore NOT intended as a reference for accurate numbers, but should rather exemplify concepts of reaction kinetics in a Bioscience-context.
    I have also attempted to provide help with mathematical concepts and equations relevant to reaction kinetics. In my experience students often find the mathematical nature of data analysis and interpretation challenging – another reason why students might find reaction kinetics difficult. I therefore deliberately incorporated various mathematical concepts in this book, wherever it seemed reasonable from a pedagogical point of view. From many years of teaching experience I know that students very much appreciate this step-by-step approach when it comes to solving problem questions.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Why a Bioscientist should care about kinetics
  2. Rates, speeds and velocities
  3. Zero Order Reactions
  4. First order reaction
  5. Second order reaction – a special case
  6. Second order reaction with different reactants
  7. Determine the order of a reaction
  8. Complex reactions with several reactants
  9. Coupled reactions
  10. Model Answers to practice questions
  • Introduction to Cancer Biology (en)
    Autor Momna Hejmadi, ISBN 978-87-7681-478-6, 2. Edition, 46 Seiten,
    Introduction to Cancer Biology is a short primer on how cancers develop and grow. The aim of this book is to provide a gentle exploration of the fundamental concepts in a easy-to-understand format, using examples and key figures for illustration. It is written in a style to help the reader understand the six basic principles that inform our current understanding of cancer, at the molecular, cellular and physiological level. The text can be used either as a first step towards a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of cancer progression or it can be used as a quick revision guide. It would be suitable for anyone, with or without a background in biology.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. How cancer arises
  2. Immortality: Continuous cell division
  3. Sustained growth signals (oncogenes)
  4. Bypass anti-growth signals (Tumour Suppressor Genes)
  5. Avoidance of cell death (apoptosis)
  6. Ensuring blood vessel growth (angiogenesis)
  7. Spread to other sites (metastasis)
  8. Summary and some thoughts for the future
Author Biography, Short Biography
Dr. Hejmadi completed her PhD in radiation oncology, studying the biochemical basis of thermotolerance in murine tumours in vivo. Her postdoctoral research on the anti-tumour effects of novel bioreductive drugs in radio and chemotherapy in murine tumours, has led to the drug currently undergoing Phase II clinical trials. Currently, her research interests are in hypoxia signalling pathways in neuronal and cancer models in vitro. She has been teaching cancer biology to undergraduate students at Bath for the past 10 years and has won several awards for her teaching. She has created novel interactive Flash e-resources on this topic, which will soon be part of a UK HEA Open Educational Resources database.
Teaching publications
1. M V Hejmadi (2007) Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching large classes: Development and evaluation of a novel e-resource in cancer biology. Bioscience Education Electronic Journal Vol 9-2
2. MV Hejmadi (2008) Mentoring scientific minds through group research projects
3. K. Bullock, Gould G, Hejmadi MV, Lock G (2009) Work Placement Experience: Should I Stay or Should I Go? Higher Education Reseach Development 28 (5), pp. 481-494.
4. Lock, G., Bullock, K., Gould, V., Hejmadi, M.V, (2009). Exploring the Industrial-Placement Experience for Mechanical Engineering Undergraduates. Engineering Education: Journal of the Higher Education Academy, Engineering Subject Centre (4) (1), pp. 42-51.
5. M V Hejmadi (2009) How effective is peer assessment and feedback? An evaluation across diverse teaching activities (Science Learning Teaching Conference, June 16-17, 2009
6. M V Hejmadi (2009) Laboratory practicals: Strategies to enhance student learning (Science Learning Teaching Conference, June 16-17, 2009,
7. M V Hejmadi (2010) Evaluating a Cancer Biology learning package for OER. OER10 Conference, March 22, 2010.

- Mary Tasker Award for Excellence in Teaching 2002
- Innovations in Learning and Teaching Award 2008
- Finalists UK HEA Ed Wood Teaching Awards 2009
- Nominated Times Higher Education ‘Innovations in Teaching’ award 2009
  • Fundamental Concepts in Genetics (en)
    Autor Darren Griffin & Martin Völker, ISBN , 1. Edition, 0 Seiten
    Dieses Buch ist noch nicht als Download erhältlich. Bitte versuche es bald noch einmal...


  • Einfach lernen! Buchhaltung (de)
    Autor Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schmeisser, ISBN 87-7681-055-0, 119 Seiten
    Wir präsentieren hiermit ein übersichtliches Buch, das die Grundlagen der Büchhaltung verständlich erklärt. Buchhaltung ist ein bereich, der vielen Studenten Schwierigkeiten bereitet, daher wurde in diesem kostenlosen ebook großer Wert darauf gelegt, die theoretischen Zusammenhänge in einzelnen Modellen zu erklären.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Einführung in die ”Dobbelte” Buchführung
  2. Buchen auf Bestandskonten
  3. Buchen auf Erfolgskonten
  4. Buchen laufender Geschäftsfälle
  5. Buchen des Sachanlagevermögens
  6. Steuern und Abgaben im Unternehmen
  7. Buchhalterische Verbereitung des Jahresabschlusses
  8. Literaturverzeichnis
  • Einfach lernen! Buchhaltung Aufgabenbuch (de)
    Autor Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schmeisser, ISBN 87-7681-056-9, 104 Seiten
    In diesem hilfreichen Aufgabenbuch für Buchhaltung werden die Modelle und Ansätze aus "Einfach lernen! Buchhaltung" erweitert und durch viele Übungen ergänzt. Es ist empfehlenswert, dieses kostenlose ebook nach der Lektüre von "Einfach lernen! Buchhaltung" zu studieren.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Einfach lernen Buchhaltung,
  2. Aufgaben und Lösungen
  • The Accounting Cycle (en)
    Autor Larry M. Walther & Christopher J. Skousen, ISBN 978-87-7681-486-1, 1. Edition, 98 Seiten,
    This book is the first of seven books which introduces the basic principles of accounting. It introduces accounting, the fundamental accounting equation, and four core financial statements. Students will learn the basics of accounting, such as debits and credits, the journal, and trial balance, income measurement, revenue and expense recognition, and the reporting cycle. With a foundation in these basics of accounting readers are introduced to financial statement preparation, the accounting cycle, closing entries, classified balance sheets, the importance of business liquidity, and the concept of the operating cycle.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Welcome to the World of Accounting
  1. Accounting Information
  2. The Accounting Profession and Careers
  3. The Fundamental Accounting Equation
  4. How Transactions Impact the Accounting Equation
  5. The Core Financial Statements
2. Information Processing
  1. Accounts, Debits and Credits
  2. The Journal
  3. The General Ledger
  4. The Trial Balance
  5. Computerized Processing Systems
  6. T-accounts
3. Income Measurement
  1. "Measurement Triggering” Transactions and Events
  2. The Periodicity Assumption
  3. Basic Elements of Revenue Recognition
  4. Basic Elements of Expense Recognition
  5. The Adjusting Process and Related Entries
  6. Accrual- Versus Cash-Basis Accounting
4. The Reporting Cycle
  1. Preparing Financial Statements
  2. The Accounting Cycle and Closing Process
  3. Reversing Entries
  4. Classified Balance Sheets
  5. Business Liquidity and the Operating Cycle
  • Current Assets (en)
    Autor Larry M. Walther & Christopher J. Skousen, ISBN 978-87-7681-485-4, 1. Edition, 97 Seiten,
    This book is the second of seven books which introduces the basic principles of accounting, focusing primarily on liquid assets. It introduces enhanced income statements, sales, cash discounts, the control structure, and inventory accounting. Details concerning cash and highly-liquid investments, cash management, controls for cash receipts and disbursements, and bank account reconciliations are discussed. Accounts receivable, costs and benefits of selling on credit, considerations for uncollectible receivables, notes receivable and interest are also discussed. In addition, the fundamentals of inventory costing methods, inventory management, and ratio analysis are introduced.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Special Issues for Merchants
  1. The Merchandising Operation - Sales
  2. Purchase Considerations for Merchandising Business
  3. Alternative Inventory System
  4. Income Statement Enhancements
  5. The Control Structure
2. Cash and Highly-Liquid Investments
  1. Cash Composition
  2. Cash Management
  3. Bank Reconciliation
  4. Petty Cash
  5. Trading Securities
3. Accounts Receivable
  1. The Costs and Benefits of Selling on Credit
  2. Accounting for Uncollectible Receivables
  3. Alternative Approaches for Uncollectible
  4. Notes Receivable
4. Inventory
  1. The Components of Inventory
  2. Inventory Costing Methods
  3. Perpetual Inventory Systems
  4. Lower of Cost or Market Adjustments
  5. Inventory Estimation Techniques
  6. Inventory Management
  7. Inventory Errors
  • Long-Term Assets (en)
    Autor Larry M. Walther & Christopher J. Skousen, ISBN 978-87-7681-488-5, 1. Edition, 60 Seiten,
    This book is the third of seven books which introduces the basic principles of accounting. This book focuses on investments intended to be held for greater than one year. It introduces accounting for investments (available for sale, trading, and held to maturity), as well as, special accounting for certain long-term investments. Readers will learn the accounting for property, plant, and equipment, and depreciation methodology and terminology. Accounting for the disposal of property, plant, and equipment, asset exchanges, impairments, natural resource accounting and depletion concepts are also presented in this book.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Long-Term Investments
  1. Intent-Based Accounting
  2. Available for Sale Securities
  3. Held to Maturity Securities
  4. The Equity Method of Accounting
  5. Investments Requiring Consolidation
2. Property, Plant and Equipment
  1. What Costs are Included in Property, Plant and Equipment
  2. Equipment Leases
  3. Service Life and Cost Allocation
  4. Depreciation Methodology
  5. The Straight-Line Method
  6. The Units-of-Output Method
  7. The Double-Declining Balance Method
  8. The Sum-of-the-Years’-Digits Method
  9. Tax Laws
3. Advanced PP&E Issues/ Natural Resources/Intangibles
  1. PP&E Costs Subsequent to Asset Acquisition
  2. Disposal of PP&E
  3. Accounting for Asset Exchanges
  4. Assets Impairment
  5. Natural Resources
  6. Intangibles
  • Liabilities and Equity (en)
    Autor Larry M. Walther & Christopher J. Skousen, ISBN 978-87-7681-489-2, 1. Edition, 77 Seiten,
    This book is the fourth of seven books which introduces the basic principles of accounting. This book introduces accounting for current liabilities, such as, notes payable, contingent liabilities, and employer responsibilities related to payroll. Long-term obligations are introduced relating to long-term notes, present and future values, annuities, and bonds. Contractual commitments and capital leases are also discussed. Accounting for corporate equity, common and preferred stock, cash and stock dividends, stock splits, treasury stock, and the statement of stockholders’ equity are also presented.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Current Liabilities and Employer Obligations
  1. Current Liabilities
  2. Notes Playable
  3. Contingent Liabilities
  4. Payroll
  5. Other Components of Employee Compensation
2. Long-Term Obligations
  1. Long-Term Notes
  2. Bond Payable
  3. Accounting for Bonds Payable
  4. Affective-Interest Amortization Methods
  5. Bonds Issued Between Interest Dates and Bond Retirement
  6. Analysis, Commitments, Alternative Financing Arrangements, Leases, and Fair Value Measurements
3.Corporate Equity Accounting
  1. The Corporate Form of Organization
  2. Common and Preferred Stock
  3. Treasury Stock
  4. Stock Splits and Stock Dividends
  5. Statement of Stockholders’ Equity
  6. Appendix
  • Using Accounting Information (en)
    Autor Larry M. Walther & Christopher J. Skousen, ISBN 978-87-7681-490-8, 1. Edition, 63 Seiten,
    This book is the fifth of seven books which introduces the basic principles of accounting. In this book you learn about special financial reporting topics, financial statement analysis, and the statement of cash flows. Topics include discontinued operations, extraordinary items, changes in accounting methods, and other comprehensive income. Important financial reporting ratios, such as earnings per share, price earnings ratio, and book value per share are discussed. Ratio and trend analysis are presented as tools to understand financial statement information.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Financial Reporting and Concepts
  1. Special Reporting Situation
  2. Earnings per Share, Price Earnings Ratios, Book Value per Share and Dividend Rates
  3. Objectives of Financial Reporting
  4. Qualitative Character-Istics of Accounting
  5. The Development of Gap
  6. Key Assumptions
  7. Global Accounting Issues
2. Financial Analysis and the Statement of Cash Flows
  1. Financial Statement Analysis
  2. Cash Flow and the Cash Flow Statement
  3. Operating, Investing and Financing Activities
  4. Noncash Investing and Financing Activities
  5. Direct Approach to the statement of Cash Flows
  6. Indirect Approach to Presenting Operating Activities
  7. Using a Worksheet to Prepare a Statement of Cash Flow
  • Managerial and Cost Accounting (en)
    Autor Larry M. Walther & Christopher J. Skousen, ISBN 978-87-7681-491-5, 1. Edition, 130 Seiten,
    This book is the sixth of seven books which introduces the basic principles of accounting. This book introduces managerial accounting, with a primary focus on internal business reporting, decision making, planning, strategy, budgets, and cost control. Cost-volume-profit analysis, variable cost, fixed costs, mixed costs are introduced. Break-even analysis, contributions margin, target income calculations, and sensitivity analysis are all discussed in detail. In addition, product costs, job costing, process costing, and activity-based costing are introduced.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Introduction to Managerial Accounting
  1. Managerial Accounting
  2. Planning, Directing, and Controlling
  3. Cost Components
  4. Product Versus Period Costs
  5. Financial Statement Issues that are Unique to Manufacturers
2. Cost-Volume-Profi t and Business Scalability
  1. Cost Behavior
  2. Cost Behavior Analysis
  3. Break-Even and Target Income
  4. Sensitivity Analysis
  5. CVP for Multiple Products
  6. Assumptions of CVP
3. Job Costing and Modern Cost Management Systems
  1. Basic Job Costing Concepts
  2. Information Systems for the Job Costing Environment
  3. Tracking Job Cost Within the Corporate Ledger
  4. Accounting for Actual and Applied Overhead
  5. Job Costing in Service, Not For-Profi t, and Governmental Environments
  6. Modern Management of Costs and Quality
4. Process Costing and Activity-Based Costing
  1. Process Costing
  2. Equivalent Units
  3. Cost Allocation to Completed Units and Units in Process
  4. Activity-Based Costing
  • Budgeting and Decision Making (en)
    Autor Larry M. Walther & Christopher J. Skousen, ISBN 978-87-7681-492-2, 1. Edition, 124 Seiten,
    This book is the last of seven books which introduces the basic principles of accounting. In this book you will learn about planning for success through budgeting. Key budgets, such as the sales, production, direct materials purchases, direct labor, overhead, selling and administrative, and cash budgets are all discussed in detail. Critical elements of budget analysis, including flexible budgets, standard costs, and variance analysis are discussed. Key topics including sunk costs, outsourcing, special orders, make versus buy, and evaluation of long-term projects.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Budgeting: Planning for Success
  1. Importance of Budgets
  2. Budget Processes and Human Behavior
  3. Components of the Budget
  4. Budget Periods and Adjustments
2. Tools for Enterprise Performance Evaluation
  1. Responsibility Accounting and Management by Exception
  2. Flexible Budgets
  3. Standard Costs
  4. Variance Analysis
  5. Balanced Scorecard Approach to Performance Evaluation
3. Reporting Techniques in Support of Managerial Decision Making
  1. Variable Versus Absorption Costing
  2. Segment Reporting
  3. Measures of Residual Income
  4. Concepts in Allocating Service Department Costs
  5. Leveraging the Power of Modern Information Systems
4. Analytics for Managerial Decision Making
  1. Cost Characteristics and Decision-Making Ramifi cations
  2. Business Decision Logic
  3. Capital Expenditure Decisions
  4. Compound Interest and Present Value
  5. Evaluation of Long-Term Projects
  6. Appendix
  • International Financial Reporting (en)
    Autor Marco Mongiello, ISBN 978-87-7681-424-3, 1. Edition, 53 Seiten,
    How to read an annual report under the ’International Financial Reporting Standards’ (IFRS) provisions?
    Marco Mongiello (Imperial College Business School) explains the informational value of an annual report under the IFRS. Topics as the Balance sheet, Income statement, Cash flow statement and Statement of changes in equity are explained. You can download this book for free.
    The rationale, aim and purpose of this study guide
    The rationale for a study guide on how to read and interpret annual reports is that this is a skill that can prove valuable in many contexts, situations and job positions. Whether you are the decision maker in, or you are contributing to the decision of, selecting a business partner or a supplier or a client, you will find that being able to have an informed insight in the financial performance and position of these third parties that you are considering is rather useful. You can be a project manager, the responsible for a product line, a production manager, an independent consultant, and still be interested in making your opinion about the current solidity and future perspective of a business with which you are considering collaborating.
    This study guide is aimed at anyone, with no or basic accounting expertise and knowledge, interested in reading and making sense of corporate annual reports. Also readers who have been trained in bookkeeping might find this study guide useful.
    Whilst the purpose of the study guide is to guide the readers through the corporate document called ‘annual report’, for them to interpret its meaning, the readers will not learn how to prepare the annual report.
    Upon completing this study guide, the readers should be able to read and interpret any annual report based on International Accounting Standards and, even though they might still lack the full knowledge of unusual or very technical information, they should be able to make their own informed opinion about the financial performance, situation and perspective of the reporting entity that published that annual report.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Introduction
  2. The annual reports under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  3. Balance sheet: its contents and informational aims
  4. Income statement: various levels of profit and informational aims
  5. Cash flow statement: its contents and informational aims
  6. Statement of changes in equity: its contents and informational aims
  7. Analysis and interpretation of the annual report
  8. Appendix A
  9. Appendix B
  10. Appendix C
  11. References and bibliography
  12. Endnotes
  • Financial Econometrics - With Eviews (en)
    Autor Roman Kozhan, ISBN 978-87-7681-427-4, 1. Edition, 119 Seiten,
    The aim of this free textbook is to provide a step-by-step guide to financial econometrics using EViews 6.0 statistical package. It contains brief overviews of econometric concepts, models and data analysis techniques followed by empirical examples of how they can be implemented in EViews. This book is written as a compendium for undergraduate and graduate students in economics and finance. This book may be used as a textbook companion for graduate level courses in time series analysis, empirical finance and financial econometrics.
    The supplementary material for the book can be found here.

    The aim of this textbook is to provide a step-by-step guide to financial econometrics using EViews 6.0 statistical package. It contains brief overviews of econometric concepts, models and data analysis techniques followed by empirical examples of how they can be implemented in EViews.
    This book is written as a compendium for undergraduate and graduate students in economics and finance. It also can serve as a guide for researchers and practitioners who desire to use EViews for analysing financial data. This book may be used as a textbook companion for graduate level courses in time series analysis, empirical finance and financial econometrics.
    It is assumed that the reader has a basic background in probability theory and mathematical statistics.
    The material covered in the book includes concepts of linear regression, univariate and multivariate time series modelling and their implementation in EViews. Chapter 1 briefly introduces commands, structure and programming language of the EViews package. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the regression analysis and its inference. Chapters 3 to 5 cover some topics of univariate time series analysis including linear models, GARCH models of volatility, unit root tests. Chapter 6 introduces modelling of multivariate time series.

    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Introduction to EViews 6.0
  2. Regression Model
  3. Univariate Time Series: Linear Models
  4. Stationarity and Unit Roots Tests
  5. Univariate Time Series: Volatility Models
  6. Multivariate Time Series Analysis
  • Accounting Cycle Exercises: Part I (en)
    Autor Larry M. Walther & Christopher J. Skousen, ISBN, 1. Edition, 0 Seiten,
    Dieses Buch ist noch nicht als Download erhältlich. Bitte versuche es bald noch einmal...
  • Accounting Cycle Exercises: Part II (en)
    Autor Larry M. Walther & Christopher J. Skousen, ISBN, Edition, 0 Seiten,
    Dieses Buch ist noch nicht als Download erhältlich. Bitte versuche es bald noch einmal...


  • Molecular Conformations (en)
    Autor Christopher Wood, ISBN 978-87-7681-545-5, 1. Edition, 36 Seiten
    The three-dimensional shape of a protein determines its function. The shape of proteins can change by small or large amounts; another term for shape is conformation.
    Molecular Conformations introduces the fundamental physical and biochemical concepts that determine the conformation of a protein. The book starts by describing how DNA is converted into proteins and then continues with those factors that influence conformational change in a protein. The book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how proteins execute their biochemical functions.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Genetic origins of amino acids
  2. Transcription and translation
  3. Amino acid geometries and protein folding
  4. Structure-function relationship of proteins
  5. Conformational change via epigenetics
  6. Summary
  • Essentials of Chemistry (en)
    Autor Søren Prip Beier & Peter Dybdahl Hede, ISBN 978-87-7681-535-6, 2. Edition, 174 Seiten,
    This book is written primarily to engineering students in the fields of basic chemistry, environmental chemistry, food production, chemical and biochemical engineering who in the beginning of their university studies receive education in inorganic chemistry and applied chemistry in general.
    The aim of this book is to explain and clarify important terms and concepts which the students are supposed to be familiar with. The book can not replace existing educational textbooks but it gives a great supplement to the education within chemistry. Many smaller assignments and examples including solutions are given in the book.
    The book is divided into six chapters covering the introductory parts of the education within chemistry at universities and chemical engineering schools. One of the aims of this book is to lighten the shift from grammar school/high school/gymnasium to the university.
    We alone are responsible for any misprints or errors and we will be grateful to receive any critics and suggestions for improvement.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Atoms
  2. Chemical compounds
  3. Reaction kinetics
  4. Chemical equilibrium
  5. Acids and bases
  6. Electrochemistry
  • Hydrocarbons - Physical Properties and their Relevance to Utilisation (en)
    Autor J. C. Jones, ISBN 978-87-7681-513-4, 1. Edition, 111 Seiten,
    The ‘electronic book’ is a feature of this early 21st Century. I have been in academic life for several decades, and have I hope responded with flexibility to changes over that time. I have been using a word processor on a daily basis for twenty years and am deeply conscious of the advantages over even the most advanced typewriters. The first time I gave a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint was in India about six years ago. I have with enthusiasm used PowerPoint for every invited talk or conference contribution I have given since. Such talks and contributions have been in countries including Australia, Bahrain, Trinidad and Tobago, Kuwait and Armenia.
    About a year ago I published, by invitation from Ventus, ‘Atmospheric Pollution’. This was my eighth book, and my first electronic one. Once it became available I was quite delighted with the result, and sent a link to it to friends and professional associates around the world. I used the book as the recommended text in an MSc course at Aberdeen and student response was very positive. I hasten to add that I do not believe that the positive response was due solely to the fact that the book, unlike a ‘conventional’ book, was available free of charge. University students are too shrewd and perceptive to extend their acceptance to something simply because it comes for nothing. Even so, the endeavours of Ventus Publishing and Boon Books in making quality texts available at no cost deserve support. I was therefore pleased to respond in the affirmative to an invitation to write a second book for Ventus. The result is this tome on the physical properties of hydrocarbons.
    I expect that this book will be of interest to students and professionals in chemical engineering, fuel technology and mechanical engineering. I have myself used bits of it, prior to publication, in the newly set up chemical engineering degree course at the University of Aberdeen. I shall be pleased to receive feedback from readers.
    J.C. Jones
    Aberdeen, October 2009.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Physical properties of organic liquids
  2. Physical properties of crude oils
  3. Physical properties of gasolines
  4. Appendix on natural gas condensate
  5. A1. Introduction
  6. A2. Physical properties of natural gas condensate
  7. A3. Concluding remarks
  8. A4. References
  9. Physical properties of kerosenes
  10. Diesel fuels
  11. Products of refinery residue
  12. Coal tars
  13. Alcohol-containing fuels
  14. Biodiesel fuels
  15. Hydrocarbons existing either as cryogens or as liquefied gases
  16. Postscript
  • Transport Phenomena (en)
    Autor Søren Prip Beier, ISBN 87-7681-123-9, 1. Edition, 19 Seiten,
    What does mass diffusion, thermal conduction, viscosity, permeability, and electrical conductance have in common? In this book you will get an overview of most important terms within transport phenomena. You will learn and realize important analogies between Fick's law of diffusion, Fourier's law of heat conduction, Newton's law of viscosity, Darcy's law of permeability, and Ohm's law of electrical conductance. Illustrating graphics as well as clarifying SI-unit explanations will help your understanding and learning on a bachelor or master of science level.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Introduction
  2. Different kinds of transport
  3. Dimensionless numbers
  4. Summary

Differenzial-und Integralrechnungen

  1. Introduction
  2. Metric Spaces
  3. Topology 1
  4. Continuous mappings
  5. Topology 2
  6. Sequences
  7. Semi-continuity
  8. Connected sets, differentiation a.o.
  9. Addition and multiplication by scalars in normed vector spaces
  10. Normed vector spaces and integral operators
  11. Differentiable mappings
  12. Complete metric spaces
  13. Local Existence and Uniqueness Theorem for Autonomous Ordinary Differential Equations
  14. Euler-Lagrange's equations
  15. Index
  • Topological and Metric Spaces, Banach Spaces... - ...and Bounded Operators - Functional Analysis Examples c-2 (en)
    Autor Leif Mejlbro, ISBN 978-87-7681-531-8, 1. Edition, 96 Seiten,
    This is the second volume containing examples from Functional analysis. The topics here are limited to Topological and metric spaces, Banach spaces and Bounded operators.
    Unfortunately errors cannot be avoided in a first edition of a work of this type. However, the author has tried to put them on a minimum, hoping that the reader will meet with sympathy the errors which do occur in the text.
    Leif Mejlbro
    24th November 2009
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Topological and metric spaces
  2. Banach spaces
  3. Bounded operators
  4. Index
  1. Hilbert Spaces
  2. Operators on Hilbert spaces
  3. Index
  1. Spectrum and resolvent
  2. The adjoint of a bounded operator
  3. Self adjoint operator
  4. Isometric operators
  5. Unitary and normal operators
  6. Positive operators and projections
  7. Compact operators
  8. Index

Elektrotechnik und Elektronik

  • Electromagnetism for Electronic Engineers Examples (en)]
    Autor Richard Carter, ISBN 978-87-7681-557-8, 1. Edition, 156 Seiten,
    This is a companion volume to Electromagnetism for Electronic Engineers (3rd edn.) (Ventus, 2009). It contains the worked examples, together with worked solutions to the end of chapter examples, which featured in the previous edition of the book. I have discovered and corrected a number of mistakes in the previous edition.
    I hope that students will find these 88 worked examples helpful in illustrating how the fundamental laws of electromagnetism can be applied to a range of problems. I have maintained the emphasis on examples which may be of practical value and on the assumptions and approximations which are needed. In many cases the purpose of the calculations is to find the circuit properties of a component so that the link between the complementary circuit and field descriptions of a problem are illustrated.
    Richard Carter
    Lancaster 2010
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Preface
  2. Electrostatics in free space
  3. Dielectric materials and capacitance
  4. Steady electric currents
  5. The magnetic effects of electric currents
  6. The magnetic effects of iron
  7. Electromagnetic induction
  8. Transmission lines
  9. Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves
  • Digital Image Processing: Part I (en)]
    Autor Huiyu Zhou, Jiahua Wu, Jianguo Zhang, ISBN 978-87-7681-541-7, 1. Edition, 72 Seiten,
    This book (vol.1 and vol.2) introduces the fundamental theories of modern digital image processing including intensity transformations, filtering in the frequency and spatial domain, restoration, colour processing, morphological operations, and segmentation. It aims to help the students, scientists, and practitioners to understand the concepts through illustrations and examples
    Digital image processing is an important research area. The techniques developed in this area so far require to be summarized in an appropriate way.
    In this book, the fundamental theories of these techniques will be introduced. Particularly, their applications in image denoising, restoration, and segmentation will be introduced. The entire book consists of four chapters, which will be subsequently introduced.
    In Chapter 1, basic concepts in digital image processing are described. Chapter 2 will see the details of image transform and spatial filtering schemes.
    Chapter 3 introduces the filtering strategies in the frequency domain, followed by a review of image restoration approaches described in Chapter 4.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Introduction
  1. Summary
  2. References
  3. Problems
2. Intensity transformations and spatial filtering
  1. Summary
  2. References
  3. Problems
3. Filtering in the Frequency Domain
  1. Summary
  2. References and Further Reading
  3. Problems
4. Image Restoration
  1. Summary
  2. References
  3. Problems
  • Digital Image Processing: Part II (en)]
    Autor Huiyu Zhou, Jiahua Wu, Jianguo Zhang, ISBN 978-87-7681-542-4, 1. Edition, 91 Seiten,
    This book (vol.1 and vol.2) introduces the fundamental theories of modern digital image processing including intensity transformations, filtering in the frequency and spatial domain, restoration, colour processing, morphological operations, and segmentation. It aims to help the students, scientists, and practitioners to understand the concepts through illustrations and examples
    Digital image processing is an important research area. The techniques developed in this area so far require to be summarized in an appropriate way. In this book, the fundamental theories of these techniques will be introduced. Particularly, their applications in the image enhancement are briefly summarized. The entire book consists of three chapters, which will be subsequently introduced.
    Chapter 1 reveals the challenges in colour image processing in addition to potential solutions to individual problems. Chapter 2 summarises state of the art techniques for morphological process, and chapter 3 illustrates the established segmentation approach.
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
1. Colour Image Processing
  1. Summary
  2. References
  3. Problems
2. Morphological Image Processing
  1. Summary
  2. References and further reading
  3. Problems
3. Image Segmentation
  1. Summary
  2. References and further reading
  3. Problems
  • Introduction to Electronic Engineering (en)]
    Autor Valery Vodovozov, ISBN 978-87-7681-539-4, 1. Edition, 135 Seiten,
    This work introduces a reader to the basics of electronic engineering. The book is recommended for those who study electronics. Here, students may get their first knowledge of electronic concepts and basic components. Emphasis is on the devices used in day-to-day consumer electronic products. Therefore, semiconductor components diodes, transistors, and thyristors are discussed in the first step. Next, the most common electronic circuits, such as analogue, differential and operation amplifiers, suppliers and references, filters, math converters, pulsers, logical gates, etc. are covered.
    Electronics is a science about the devices and processes that use electromagnetic energy conversion to transfer, process, and store energy, signals and data in energy, control, and computer systems. This science plays an important role in the world progress. Implementation of electronic devices in various spheres of human activity largely contributes to the successful development of complex scientific and technical problems, productivity increase of physical and mental labour, and production improvement in various forms of communications, automation, television, radiolocation, computer engineering, control systems, instrument engineering, as well as lighting equipment, wireless technology, and others. Contemporary electronics is under intense development, which is characterized by emergence of the new areas and creation the new directions in existing fields.
    The goal of this work is to introduce a reader to the basics of electronic engineering. The book is recommended for those who study electronics. Here, students may get their first knowledge of electronic concepts and basic components. Emphasis is on the devices used in day-to-day consumer electronic products. Therefore, semiconductor components diodes, transistors, and thyristors are discussed in the first step. Next, the most common electronic circuits, such as analogue, differential and operation amplifiers, suppliers and references, filters, math converters, pulsers, logical gates, etc. are covered.
    After this course, students can proceed to advanced topics in electronics. It is necessary to offer an insight into the general operation of loading as well as into the network distortions caused by variables, and possibilities for reducing these disturbances, partly in power electronics with different kinds of load. Such problems, as the design and methods for implementing digital equipment, Boolean algebra, digital arithmetic and codes, combinatorial and sequential circuits, network instruments, and computers are to be covered later. Modeling circuits and analysis tools should be a subject of interest for future engineers as well. Further, electronics concerns the theory of generalized energy transfer; control and protection of electronic converters; problems of electromagnetic compatibility; selection of electronic components; control algorithms, programs, and microprocessor control devices of electronic converters; cooling of devices; design of electronic converters.
    Clearly, in a wide coverage such, as presented in this book, deficiencies may be encountered. Thus, your commentary and criticisms are appreciated:
    Inhalt : (gekürzt)
  1. Designations
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Preface
  4. Introduction
  5. Semiconductor Devices
  6. Electronic Circuits
  7. About the Author