Benutzer:Bodo Thiesen/Transskript der Rede von Rick

Basierend auf dem Video des Vortrages von Rick Falkvinge habe ich damit angefangen, ein Transscript der Rede zu erzeugen. Auch wenn mein Englisch durchaus ausreicht, um den Inhalt der Rede aufzufassen und zu verstehen, so merkt man meistens erst, wenn man sowas niederzuschreiben versucht, wieviele einzelwörter oder Ausdrücke man tatsächlich nicht versteht und sich vollautomatisch aus dem Kontext erschließt. Während dies beim Textverständnis zwar nicht stört, so merkt man das in einer Niederschrift um so deutlicher. Ursprünglich wollte ich das Transscript erst veröffentlichen, wenn es weitestgehend vollständig und korrekt ist, da es aber wohl noch etwas länger dauert, bis ich es komplett fertig habe, veröffentliche ich jetzt schonmal das, was ich habe, damit eventuell der eine oder andere schon jetzt einen Nutzen daraus ziehen kann. Da es sich hierbei nur um eine Vorabversion handelt, bitte ich darum, diese Seite NICHT zu kopieren, sondern lieber Interressierte hierhin weiterzuleiten. Ach ja: Sobald das Transscript fertig ist, wird es natürlich auch eine .srt bzw .sub-Datei dazu geben - aber das hat erst dann einen Sinn, wenn es weitestgehend vollständig ist.

An potentielle Mithelfer: Wenn ihr anfangt, das Video anzuschauen, und dabei das Transscript verbessern wollt, dann tragt bitte VORHER hier ein, daß ihr jetzt hieran arbeitet, damit nicht mehrere Leute konkurrierend sich die Arbeit machen. Denn nichts ist frustrierender, als sich eine Stunde lang mit der Abschrift eines Transscriptes zu beschäftigen, nur um dann beim Speichern zu erfahren, daß es gerade jemand anderes auch gemacht hat - und man folglich völlig umsonst gearbeitet hat. --Bodo Thiesen 13:27, 24. Mai 2007 (CEST)

Dies geht am einfachsten durch Nutzung der Vorlage:Inuse, die man vor seinem großen edit zunächst in einem kleinen edit in den Artikel einbaut. --Jamasi 14:59, 24. Mai 2007 (CEST)

[JS] Oj, yea, we start 

sorry for being half an hour late

very glad to announce now the talk of Rick Falkvinge from the swedish pirate party

[RF(?)] You're welcome


[RF] [3-6 Silben unverständlich] that after dinner I would do this in a [...] 
attemted german that would be perfectly comfortable with

had a word on but unfortunatelly 

beer at yet which 
which i hope to compensate for later at this night so I have got to do this in 

When I came here earlier today I was completely taken aback
I were talking to a couple of guys from ehm deutsche piratenpartei
and i hade the ehm illusion perhaps that there was a couple trying to start 
something up and i come here and see a full fledged conference with 
conferencing staff, with signs, with order with structure it was like "wow this 
is big i had no idea" and you know what? I've talked to peoble all over 
Europe an got on the same impression that it's like a couple of guys driving 
this having this same impression and seeing this makes me realize, that this is 
happening, what is happening in this room is happening all over europe right 
now, in the spanish partio pirata, in the dutch piraten partie, in the polish 
partia pirato and in many other places. We are seeing the start of something 
fantastic. And what struck me when I came here, wasn't so much what was being 
discussed charter what was being argued points of ??? here and there voting 
what struck me was that it was full of energy, it was full of enthusiasm people 
where ???, people where liking what they saw they were enthusiastic about where 
we are heading together and that's happening all over Europe right now.
So ...


So one thing i think, one ... one thing i think we have learned is that all the 
different pirate parties all have their problems but that's more like the 
different states in germany having their problems and learning to talk from 
each other. we haven't learned that on the european level yet even though they 
probably share the exact same problems so that that's something I learned today 
we probably benefit from each other just talk to each other and talk to each 
other more we've been so and so totaly gotten to our own problems to getting 
our own organization together that we haven't ... aware of how big this is 
getting just ... and this is, it is.
We could at

We could at abid 

that what we are good at that is what we ... stand

So let's make use of that. Just to give a brief update on where we are in 
sweden right now we had the election ehm we had the election last september 
i was a bid disappointed about the results when I first saw that I wanted to 
try to hide that in any way i had hoped to get into the parliament we didn't
we got .67 percent of the votes but what struck me, the week after the election 
was the way media changed their threatement towards us before the election they 
had thread us like "Mr. Jay Random, Micky Mouse party". After the election they 
sort of went up to "Mr falkvinge could you please give us an interview?"
So we were met with a completely different ... of respect. Now ...
far later ehm researchers have expected us to get maybe a thousand votes. Now 
we got thirty five thousand and


thinking in that respect we founded our party on the election here without a 
cent in campain chest with no known names and we still weaves our way in the 
top ten in the parliamential results.
i looked - i looked back as far as i can and i havn't found anybody who's done 
that so don't underestimate the power of this movement - it's huge.


So our next steps after the 2006 elections where we established our 
creditability is we got eight thousand members we have founded a youth section 
which has about two thousand members and is ... rapidly, we are moving into 
scools next we are seeing that as a boulding in require ...
so we are going to found as many scool associations as part of this young 
pirate association ... as we can and use these people to ... talk among 
themselfes and among the ... we are very strong among the young, we got 4.5 
percent in the scool elections which don't come to worth to the election 
results but it is nevertheless ... that could be compared to the .67 percent 
in the ... elections and we are looking for the 4 and a half percent one needs 
to know that we weard about the scool ... writing votes.

So our strategy now is to go into schools in 2008 to go to the european 
parliament elections in 2009 that's two years from now those two year from now 
pass quickly. and we don't ... the matter ...
we have a reason will chance 
given how many of the young of the young people become first time voters on the 
among ...
and use the creditability from that election into our next parliamental elections, 
which is 2010 that's how the three stage walking


we are also seeking to own more of the issues in sweden when there is a file 
sharing story, media call us to comment on it. We own it. Totally. This is kind 
of funny I mean ... file sharing 

in charge of file sharing
ther is always
in the pirate party

basically saying that 
usually don't understand what they are talking about which is sort of a suff ... 

privacy there is a lot of survaillance ... populas is going on right now

it's more than 


but there is a lot of people fighting for 

we are one of them so we were trying to get into media

pro government


and we want particularly

and the upcoming european ... election

this is certein 



So that's the bit about where we stand and i said before that we share the same 
problems but that means the same situation and most importantly that also means 
we share the same opportunities we're in a situation where we know things we 
know methods we know ways of working together that the other parties simply 
have no clue about. Because we are the new generation. And know knowing that 
[sorry ... there] when we were founded a lot of people tried to copy the old 
parties saying that they ...
have so long they must have done something right but it turns out quite 
differently. It turn's out quitely other way. We said is that "No we cannot 
play the established parties after own game". When we bet on it we then we will 
get in twenty years.
Instead we did what we did better than them. We used internet collaboration we 
moved faster, better and more efficiently that ey that they could ever hope to 
do in a hundred years. And so - we use methods that they will copy from us to 
... elections from now. And they beave our way in the top ten. ...


So I said this is happening all over Europe right now
and that we use new methods that the other 

don't know how to work

I think what we are seeing is the birth of the first european party

common ground across all europe that
that fights for the european parlament as one party 

when you vote for piratenpartei, pirate party 
you still know pretty much exactly what you are voting for

they don't know how. we do i think we see the birth of a new global political 

it doesn't happen every time
it doesn't even happen even once in a lifetime of most the people
and i mean it's been said that democracy must be reconquered by every 
generation what we are doing now is reacting against repression

three generations ago, libor unions were formed in reaction to 

one generation ago, the green party and the environmental movement was formed 
in reaction to cooperate

and here we are, reacting to cooperate repression

of our culture and knowledge 

as other people have 

before us it's now our turn to defend democracy
it's now our turn to defend democracy

and as they ... [applause]

and as they
in reaction to 

there vision grew
their their strength grew

formed their reaction


there was nothing like we have seen before

a sense if where we are heading

where we go

taking shape

you can feel it you can smell it in the air

and ... and ...
that leads me to the 

this is happening all over europe

an it's just growing 
it's growing everywhere

it makes me proud to stand here and twenty years from now

to say "ich heiße Rick und i.. und ich bin Pirat". [applause]

[JS] thank you very much

sadly enough we have some more work to do

Der Versammlungsleiter möche vielleicht da jetzt noch einhacken ...


subtitles können hier eingepflegt werden: --DelphiN 17:52, 26. Mai 2007 (CEST)