
Communication and organisation is a main concern of PiLife. Being a communication platform with political background, dedicated ways for decision-making in civilized manners therefor need to be especially considered. Most decisions/elections can be done in public votings. For these, one can think of features like

  • election modes (absolute/relative majority, how to count abstains, multichoice or yay/nay, ...)
  • groupmanagement (to decide who is allowed to vote)
  • timeout (from minutes to months, for meetings to longterm-decisions)
  • mood of the group (voting without effect - commentary summary mode?)
  • random voter (tool to play with stochacracy feats)
  • voting effect scripting (allowing if/else multipath votings, direct access to platform features like notifications, editing attributes of entities owned by the vote-starter)

Fuzzy Voting

A more advanced way of voting may be by using a fuzzy approach, using float numbers 0<=x<=1. The result may be either clear or near 0.5. In either case a weighted (modifying the chance depending on the distance to 0.5) random "coin-throw" can be made available, to facilitate the final decision.

Secret Voting

Secret votings could be realised by implementing the "voting machine" algorithm I conceived.